Ludwig Weyland was born on October 26, 1824, in the small
village of Brandau, located in the Duchy of Hesse-Darmstadt,
in what is now Germany.  Like many of his generation, driven
by economic hardship in that part of Germany, he set sail for
America.  He arrived in New York City in 1846, at the age of
22.  He soon found work in a furniture factory, most likely
plying his trade there as an upholsterer.  He later moved on,
settling first in Albany and then later, in Syracuse.  From there,
he made his way west on the Erie Canal, no doubt stopping off
in Buffalo, where, as in Albany, some of his descendants live
today.  From there, he worked his way westward, stopping for
a time in St. Louis.  In 1852, he moved one last time, finally
settling in the thriving frontier town of Boonville, Missouri,
where he would ultimately make his fortune.

That same year, Johann Weiland and his wife, Anna Maria,
landed in New York Harbor.  They brought with them their
18-year-old daughter, Katherina. The Weiland family soon
made the journey west to Boonville.  Devout members of the
German Evangelical movement, it is likely that they had
friends among the many German immigrants already living

Ludwig and Katherina were married in Boonville on April 2,
1854.  By then, the two of them had already anglicized their
names, becoming Louis and Katherine.  Boonville was located
only 90 miles east of Independence, Missouri, the main
jumping-off point for California and the Oregon Trail.

During the previous ten years, thousands of pioneer families
had been striking out from there across the Great Plains,
bound for the fertile farm lands of the Willamette Valley, in
far-off Oregon.  Many years later, some of Louis and
Katherine's descendants would, themselves, make the journey
west and settle there.  In the meantime, Louis had a dream of
his own ---- to build wagons!  In the years that followed, he and
his sons would become very successful at doing just that.

Louis and Katherine would eventually have ten children.  The
descendants of these hardy German immigrants would go on
to become successful business owners and professionals,
raising their children and living out their lives, generation after
generation, spreading out across the land.  One became a
bank president.  Another became a timber baron.  Others
became successful wagon makers in their own right.

Even today, the living descendants of Louis and Katherine
Weyland enrich our world.  They have woven themselves into
the fabric of our society.  They have become shopkeepers and
ranchers, business owners and educators, authors and
musicians.  They raise our food and furnish our homes.  They
fill our lives with music and they educate our children.  The
story of the Weylands is the story of America.   


Since this website was originally launched back in March of
2006, many additional cousins have found their way into the
fold.  Many more remain out there, as yet undiscovered.  If you
believe that you might be one of us, or if you have any
questions or comments, please feel free to drop us a note by
clicking on the "Contact Us" button.  

The goal of this website is to celebrate the achievements of
Louis and Katherine and their many descendants and to
explore the Weyland family history and its early ancestry, both
here in America and in Europe.  It contains a collection of old
family photos, articles, letters and memorabilia.  We hope
that, just like the Weyland family itself, this website will
always remain a work in progress.  

The Weylands

A Family Website